Day 1: Rainbow Infinity Loader using P5.js
Day 2: Fibonacci Time Bomb
Day 3: Cute blinking and flying Carrot PureCSS
Day 4: Fireworks in the Diwali sky
Day 5: Singing Parrot
Day 6: Spider crawling in the web
Day 7: JellyFish in the sea
Day 8: Cute Meowth Pokemon (PureCSS)
Day 9: Glowing Green Lantern Logo PureCSS
Day 12: Egg Toast CSS Illustration
Day 13: Black Hole animation in p5.js
Day 14: CSS Coffee
Day 15: Diwali Diya on Fire
Day 16: Millennium Falcon going to lightspeed in starfield
Day 17: Wonder Woman CSS Art
Day 18: Folding Paper calendar UI
Day 19: Egg Toast CSS Illustration
Day 22: PureCSS Realistic Lock & Key Toggle
Day 23: lollipop conic-gradient vs radial-gradient (Best on Chrome 69+)
Day 25: PureCSS Settings Icon
Day 26: Girl sleeping in bed on a stormy midnight (PureCSS)
Day 29: Empty Cart (PureCSS)
created By Rajat Kanti Nandi